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Send a Bank Check for their first Remote Deposit Transaction

Karl Keller

July 2, 2022

Community banks can provide value and increase loyalty by proactively calling customers who have yet to try remote deposit capture. Through a simple, client-focus conversation you can drive awareness, adoption and usage.

There will be valid reasons why some customers won't use your remote deposit service. It's still a successful customer touch. You've taken the opportunity to thank them for their business. You’ve acknowledged their tenure as a customer. You can easily transition by making a sincere offer to help them in any other way.

Most customers just haven’t felt the need to use remote deposit capture yet. They’re comfortable in their routine visiting the branch, haven’t taken the time, or may be apprehensive to try new technology. Remote deposit capture is free, so you’re not trying to sell them anything. If they’re interested, you’re educating them and offering to help. In many cases, you’ll just need to answer 1 or 2 easy customer questions to make them feel comfortable which will prompt them to act.

Offer to send the customer a bank issued check for a nominal amount to make their first remote deposit capture transaction. You can use a recognizable amount, like $3.21, or have fun with it and tie the amount to the bank’s opening date ($18.22) or another marketing initiative. Including a short letter or handwritten note with your business card can communicate Thank You for being a Loyal Customer while also providing easy to follow instructions.

Offer your assistance to help once they receive the check and ask permission to follow-up in 5-7 business days. Before calling the customer back, see if they successfully deposited the check. This will provide you direction on how to approach your follow-up call. You will also want to prepare yourself with 1 or 2 other talking points if the opportunity presents itself to learn more about your customer.

Taking a few minutes to reach out to these customers will drive awareness, adoption and usage.

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