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Quest Analytics Integrates IQCRM® with Beavercreek Marketing Digital Platform

Karl Keller

April 13, 2023

Pittsburgh, PA – April 13, 2023

Quest Analytics LLC, the leading provider of modular CRM solutions for banks and credit unions is pleased to announce new API integration with the Beavercreek Marketing digital campaign platform.   


“Quest Analytics is excited to announce our latest marketing integration with Beavercreek Marketing” said Karl Keller, President of Quest Analytics. “Quest Analytics provides a modular CRM solution which includes a digital marketing module called IQMarketing™.  IQMarketing works with the best marketing solutions and now has API integration with the Beavercreek Marketing digital platform.” 

The IQMarketing module is one of the eight modules in the IQCRM® banking solution suite. The module provides bank and credit union marketing departments with digital capabilities to automate marketing campaigns and have campaign information integrated with the banking CRM. The integration is unique in that now front-line bankers can see exactly which campaigns and offers have been sent to individual customers while also viewing the message content and customer click interactions. 

The Quest Analytics IQCRM software solution is the “Right-Sized” CRM solution for banks and credit unions.  The solution is modular. Financial institutions have flexibility to choose precisely which modules and features match your institution’s needs and budget. A right-sized banking CRM eliminates technology overspend and empowers your team to achieve your business goals. IQCRM is built for financial services and works with core banking systems from Fiserv, Jack Henry, FIS, Finastra, CSI, ASI, DCI, and others.  


About Quest Analytics

Quest Analytics is a financial services technology and training company specializing in helping banks and credit unions grow quickly and profitably. Founded in 2001, Quest Analytics is a privately held company headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Karl Keller

Quest Analytics LLC


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