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New Release Available 2024.4

Kate Goodwin

December 4, 2024

We are excited to announce the release of Quest Analytics Version 2024.4, packed with new features and enhancements designed to improve your experience and efficiency.

Here’s an overview of selected new features:

1 - Tag coworkers with an "@" mention

Have you ever been entering a CRM note or appointment and wanted to notify a coworker? Now you can! Just type @ and then select their name from the drop-down to tag them. They'll receive an email that they've been mentioned with a direct link to that item.

Image of a description box with text about a prospect call. Carol Robbins is tagged and their name is contained within a rounded pill shape to indicate they've been tagged.

2 - My Team's Activities

Our IQProspects clients are going to love this one. If you are assigned pipelines, then you are spending a lot of time on the My Work > Pipelines page. Previously this would show all open pipelines that you (or your team) are assigned to. However, you might have done your part... and it wouldn't leave your board until the pipeline was closed.

In this release, we are providing an additional filter called "My Team's Activities" that will default to Open. When you visit the page, the default pipelines shown are Open and have activities that you/your team need to complete.

screenshot of My Work > Pipelines page with arrow showing location of new filter

3 - Bulk Status for Leads and Tasks

On our permission restricted pages for Managers, we've added more bulk status capability.

  • For leads, you can select a set of leads to bulk cancel.

    • As leads have a variety of closed statuses, we are only supporting Cancel at this time as that is consistent across all leads.

  • For tasks, you can bulk status them to be open or completed.

4 - Collections

We promised you some improvements to Promise to Pays. Promise kept!

  1. On the Manage Work > Collections page, you can now filter for scheduled promise to pays in the past (it's under Additional Filters). Under Last Activity, we've added more info on Promise to Pays to show amount and status. This page also now shows balance.

  2. On the My Work > Collections page, we've added more edit capability so users can update existing promise to pay statuses without going into the case.

  3. In Collections reporting, we added promise to pay filters and columns that allow you to report at the promise to pay level instead of just case level.


If you are a client, access our Product Updates page for detailed release notes on these and other items. If you don't have the password, please contact your Quest Analytics representative or

Upgrade soon to take advantage of the new features in this release. Please contact Natalie Kurn for more info.

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